Friday, December 7, 2007

Low Res Video Night!

Low Res Video Night

7pm Saturday, December 15th

Videos by west coast people Matt McCormick, Tina Rain, Sandy Sampson, Cyrus Smith, Lawrence Rengert, Marc Fischer and others!

Jonathan says that in '87 he used to go to Marky's Cafe in Petaluma on Western Avenue behind the Saint Vincent's De Paul Catholic church. In the restroom, posted above the toilet, a there was a framed copy of a Ralph Waldo Emerson quote (pictured on this fliers). For about the next eight years, every time he'd stand at the toilet, he'd read the quote over and over, until it was burned into his brain, and became a personal mantra. shaping his personal identity, and thereby modifying others' personalities through his interaction with them. He says his community resource center (Legare's cafe) is a tangible manifestation of how that quote has evolved through him over time.

Low Res Video Night

7pm Saturday, December 15th

bring your videos to the cafe,
or send files to lowresvideofest@yaho

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